Matching apartments are a sign of respect

Expats in the spotlight.

Japan continues to build on a centuries-old tradition based on mutual respect. But this poses an additional challenge for relocation agents, as all colleagues at the same job level must be assigned the same type of apartment. Yuri explains this social convention in more detail: “At our Japanese multinational, we strive to keep the atmosphere among us as positive as possible. RentMore has played an important role in this regard. They provided us with twenty perfectly similar apartments in Woluwe, just a stone’s throw away from our Belgian headquarters.”

Yuri immediately appreciated RentMore’s careful approach: “The Japanese are known for their love of clear logic. By Japanese standards, Brussels is not that huge. But it is big enough that the location of apartments is one of the first factors to consider. If you live on the other side of the city, you’ll lose many hours commuting. Thanks to RentMore, this is not a problem. They found us perfect housing and easy access”.


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“RentMore is actively building a community”

According to Yuri, a Japanese arriving in Brussels encounters a big cultural shock: “When you’re used to trains that run with three-second punctuality, every trip on public transport in Belgium is an adventure. Luckily, almost everywhere you can manage in English. This helps you feel at home quickly, especially considering the efforts made by RentMore. They are actively working on building a community of renters and locals. Thanks to this, we are getting to know the best and especially the “tastiest” side of Brussels. This is making our stay literally carefree”.


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Relevant facilities

Brussels is first and foremost the capital of Europe, but Yuri soon discovered that the people of Brussels look beyond European borders: “Woluwe borders Auderghem. And there it is… the Japanese School. It offers primary educationand the earing years of junior high school. For this, they receive operating funds from 2,000 Japanese companies and the Japanese government. The school brings a lot of people together. Of course, this also helps Japanese expats to quickly build a social life here. And if you can also make use of the comprehensive services of RentMore, you will have a very good time in Brussels.”


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